
Table of Contents

1 dotfiles - git submodules

Lately in my dotfiles updates, I've been having quite an interesting plight with git submodules and the way they can be updated. Essentially, I couldn't figure out at first why I couldn't update my git submodules in my dotfiles. Additionally, if I were to change anything, it would make it even harder to upgrade. After doing some research I believe I have figured out a way to accomplish this in a way that makes me happy. I made a (one-line LUL) bash script to handle this because >implying i'm going to remember some complicated git command. I'll probably add some more functionality to this later to make it more than just a glorified alias. Anyway, if you're dying to figure out my solution to this problem, here is the current line I have to update all of my submodules recursively:

git submodule update --init --recusrive --remote /home/$USER/dotfiles/

Of course, this is assuming that you are holding your dotfiles in ~/dotfiles/ as I have, but I'll probably figure out this functionality later. Anyway, that's all you need to run in order to update your submodules. However, if you have run into a problem similar to mine in which you cannot update using that line of bash, there is a solution for you. Thanks to StackOverflow user VonC, I found out how to cleanly remove a submodule entirely. His full solution and description can be found here. The lines are as follows:

git submodule deinit -f -- a/submodule
rm -rf .git/modules/a/submodule

git rm -f a/submodule

After that, simply reupdate your .gitmodules file and reclone the repository to where you want it. That should hopefully solve all of your problems with git submodules being a pain. After wrapping all of that up, you can add, update, commit, and push to your heart's content. That's all I have to say until there are more interesting updates to mention.

<2017-07-31 Mon 12:46>

Author: mobyte

Created: 2017-07-31 Mon 12:50

Emacs 25.2.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
